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  • Why Scientists Recommend Taking Beet Juice with Viagra Pills?

    Many reports that beet juice can improve sexual performance have appeared in the Web recently. Some of them even insist that taking beet juice with Viagra pills will enhance the efficiency of the ED drug. But what is common in all of those posts, that they hardly keep the tracks of initial sources and reveal the original researches. After receiving a number of questions about the miracle of beetroot from our customers, we in Canadian Health&Care Mall undertook our own investigation to verify whether those statements are true or false.

    Why Scientists Recommend Taking Beet Juice with Viagra Pills

    Benefits of Beet

    We have looked through dozens of clinical study reports on and found many proofs that beetroot is really powerful supplement to improve your overall health, detox your body and to improve hypertension. But what we have been failed to find are the studies on how consuming beetroot or beet juice can help for erectile dysfunction. There were researches related to beetroot diet supplementation for rowing, cycling and kayaking, as well as papers making a connection between beets and decreasing oxidative stress, but there was nothing about beet juice as treatment for impotence. Do the scientists really recommend taking beet juice with Viagra? We have some doubts, but let us see.

    Summarizing the search results we can enumerate the following advantages of intake of beetroot:

    1. Reducing pulmonary oxygen usage during physical activities and enhancing the contractile properties of the body muscles, beetroot can help athletes in doing sports.
    2. Using beet juice contributes the detoxification of the body, thanks to high contain of antioxidants.
    3. Beet is rich in nitrates that convert into nitric oxide in the body, which, in turn, helps to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and lower arterial pressure.
    4. Beet can reduce blood sugar due to contain of alfa lipoid acid.
    5. Beet can prevent age-related cognitive decline by improving supply of the brain with blood.

    As you see, taking root juice anyway can benefit your health, whilst attentive learning of the above even can give as a clue why many posts claim that taking beet juice with Viagra can probably boost your sexual function.

    What is the Connection between Beet and Viagra?

    What is the Connection between Beet and ViagraTo understand how beet can affect an erection, first, let us see how Viagra works.

    Viagra belongs to the group of PDE5 inhibitors and works by dilution of vessels in the genital area and smothering the contracted muscles, which allows the blood fill erectile tissues.

    As we can see from #3 in the clause above, consuming of beetroot also leads to blood vessels widening as it contains nitrates. So, although there is no any specific study on beet and sexual dysfunction, you can try it to improve your performance, though it is absolutely unclear how many beetroot you might need to consume to maintain any therapeutic effect. But we strictly do not recommend taking it together with Viagra. Why? You may be in a danger of a collapse.

    Why Taking Beet Juice with Viagra Pills is Dangerous

    If you go to the official site of Viagra, the first what you will see is the warning not to take Viagra with any medicine called nitrates, as it can lead to significant blood pressure drop.

    But with beetroot, it is just a case. The study on BeetActive concentrate demonstrated that even one time intake of the concentrate alone can reduce your blood pressure dramatically in an hour. Conducting another study on how beetroot can enhance cognitive function in older people (see #5 in the previous clause), the researchers rejected 14 potential participants who were taking Viagra, because of the risks.

    So, what can we expect mixing beet juice with Viagra? You are better not to try.

    Beet or Viagra: What to Choose

    As you can see, the investigation of Canadian Pharmacy Mall has hit the goal, though the result was opposite to what we tried to find. You cannot take beet root with Viagra pill without risk. If you want to explore the miraculous properties of beetroot, good luck to you. Probably, you can find it useful. But do not expect immediate result, you may need a few weeks to feel overall effect of beetroot to your health and nobody can guarantee you the sexual performance improvement.

    Otherwise, you can stay with good old Viagra that has been proven by many men during the years. We are far prom promoting Viagra here – it is well-known without our efforts – we only want to indicate you possible pros and cons of using beet juice as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.